Naeema Parker | Clinical Psychologist

Practice based in Claremont, Cape Town.


Hi and welcome. I am an experienced Clinical Psychologist, having worked in private practice for 14 years now. I strive to provide a therapeutic space that is warm, empathetic and free of judgement. Creating a safe space to express one’s thoughts, emotions and experiences, assists in feeling understood and accepted. Starting a therapeutic process can feel daunting, and it is common to feel anxious or worried about how the process will unfold. I hope to provide a therapeutic space that is a good fit and feels comfortable.

People enter therapy for many reasons, some of which may have led you to reading this page right now. Contrary to what many people still believe, therapy is not only for those who are mentally ill or struggle with mental health challenges. Therapy could be a way of processing a difficult period in one’s life, such as a loss, relationship issue, major life change or a traumatic event. Often, people present with physiological signs and symptoms that do not have a physical explanation and may be the result of stress and anxiety presenting in our bodies. Therapy can be a space to learn more about ourselves, our histories and the way in which we engage with ourselves and in our relationships. In addition, therapy can be a space to learn to understand and manage our emotions in healthier and more effective ways. Ultimately therapy can be a means to facilitate emotional growth and development and I am so appreciative of being able to travel this journey with clients.

I work with the following presentations, amongst others:



Bereavement & Loss



Adjusting to life change / life transitions

Family Problems

Relationship Problems

Stress Management

Self Esteem

Naeema Parker - Clinical Psychologist

Naeema Parker | Clinical Psychologist


I’m Naeema. I completed my M. Psych (Clinical Psychology) degree at the University of the Western Cape in 2004/2005 and went on to complete my Internship and Community Service at Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital. 

I have worked part-time in private practice for most of my career as a psychologist, as I have also spent many years teaching Psychology and working with tertiary students. I was involved in the teaching and clinical supervision of B. Psych students for two years, at the MGI institute in Belville (later Pearson’s and Eduvos). This involved teaching several undergraduate psychology courses to future Registered Counsellors, as well as supervising their practical clinical placements.

University of Cape Town

University of Cape Town

 I then moved on to the University of Cape Town’s Dept. of Psychiatry and Mental Health, where I spent eight years teaching undergraduate medical students about basic psychotherapy skills. I now continue to work part-time at UCT’s Department of Student Wellness (SWS) and have been doing so since 2017. I feel privileged to provide services with my colleagues at a primary healthcare facility such as SWS, assisting students who might otherwise not access mental health care.

In addition to my professional experience in psychology noted above, I am passionate about mental health and wellbeing. Experiencing my own ongoing therapeutic journey has allowed me not only to self-reflect, but also relate better to my clients’ experience by being on the other side of the couch.

I see clients from all backgrounds and religions and have a very diverse exposure with tertiary students. Having said this, I do feel very strongly about mental health and emotional wellbeing amongst people of colour. Specific collective experiences, such as cultural and religious norms and expectations, immigration, poverty and the legacy of apartheid, have contributed to patterns of generational trauma that many are trying to heal from. There has been much more emphasis on mental health and wellbeing in recent years; however, many taboos still abound and very often amongst people of colour. I am committed to challenging this and am grateful to work in a field that provides the opportunity to connect with others in a such a meaningful and profound way. 


I work with adults of all ages and typically see clients individually. I am contracted into most medical aids and can claim directly. Alternatively, should the cost be settled immediately, I do have a private rate that is below the usual medical aid rate. Therapy sessions are generally 50 minutes in length.

The first and second sessions are usually for gaining a background history and doing a basic assessment, which would also inform the type of intervention that is most suitable for each client and their unique presenting issues. I have been trained in various types of psychotherapies (see below). However, the therapeutic process is not a one-size-fits-all approach. I am flexible in terms of my intervention style and work collaboratively with clients, to find a space that best meets their therapeutic needs. This often involves taking an eclectic approach, using various therapeutic techniques. All the therapeutic interventions below are well-established, evidence-based approaches, which have provided assistance and relief to many clients.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

This is the traditional type of “talk therapy” that is usually associated with psychotherapy. Psychodynamic therapy focuses on exploring early childhood experiences and primary attachment relationships, to discover how these events might have shaped the individual and how they contribute to current functioning. This approach focuses on unconscious processes, as these often manifest in present behaviour. Psychodynamic therapy also allows for the examination of past unresolved conflicts that arise from past relationships and impact current relationships. In addition, there is a focus on understanding how one has formed unique coping/ defence mechanisms and whether these are still helpful in adulthood.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

CBT is a structured approach that focuses on understanding how thoughts influence emotions and behaviour. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is usually quite practical and offers tools to deal with challenging thought patterns. During treatment, clients learn how to identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on behaviour. The benefit of this approach is that we can try to shift the way we think, feel, or respond, even if the situation does not change.


Mindfulness & Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

DBT is an approach that was designed by Marsha Linehan to teach the skills of emotion regulation. The ability to manage and respond to one’s own emotional experience, and that of others, is learnt from early on in our lives. However, very often we do not learn effective and healthy ways of regulating our emotions and this can impact our ability to cope with challenges in our daily lives and relationships. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy centres around four core areas: mindfulness, relationships, tolerating difficult emotions and regulating emotions. Whilst it was designed as a group intervention, it can be adapted to individual therapy as well.


Brainworking® Recursive Therapy (BWRT)

BWRT® fits in with current neuroscience theories about how the brain receives and stores information. It is a solution-focused approach intended to reprocess triggers and difficult memories which cause distress. The approach is mostly content-free, which means that it uses the client’s own thought processes, whatever that might be. The client only shares with the therapist whatever they are comfortable with. The therapist uses a strict protocol to provide a form of guided visualisation, which allows the client to reimagine the outcome and neutralise the emotional reaction associated with the trigger. The approach is quick and often does not require many sessions. Brainworking® Recursive Therapy can assist with various presenting issues, including different types of anxiety, fears, phobias, traumatic incidents, grief, and others.

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Naeema Parker - Clinical Psychologist

Belvedere Medi-Centre, 96 Belvedere Road, Claremont,
Cape Town

082 744 7280
Digital Business Card

  • Naeema Parker is an experienced clinical psychologist practicing from Claremont, Cape Town.

Practice No. 0294268
HPCSA: PS0096229